


I hate myself, cause I am so awesome
I am the flower, you all are just blossoms
I hate myself for making others feel bad;
they wish they had the child my mom had
I feel awful when I think of my greatness
Everyone else looks like something from Shameless.
I am a wreck when I look in the mirror
and all the supermodels feel inferior.
But I am happy when I think of my weakness
That I flatter myself when I speak this.

Just a poem I found on the internet.
That concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something 🙂

Duck DNS

Duck DNS is a Dynamic Dns provider that allows you to have a free domain for your hosted server. There are two forms of logging on to Duck DNS: Reddit or Google. Once you have logged on you can create a domain easily. DuckDNS

You can go to the install tab and click on the ‘pi’ subsection. You select the domain you recently created then follow all but the last (2013-10-02 at 08.54.55)

That concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something 🙂

Raspberry Pi – Electronical Dice

If you know how to set up LED lights and buttons with a breadboard you can easily use my program, if not you might struggle a bit. If you are struggling there are lots of places on the internet that tell you how to do it. I have made a program that uses six LED lights and a push button. If you connect the LED’s to GPIO pins 2,3,4,14,15,18 and then connect the button to the GPIO pin 16 this will work. You just run the program, it will flash all the lights three times and then it will keep a certain amount of them on. The amount of LED’s turned on is the number the ‘dice’ lands on. Hope you enjoy!


That concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something 🙂

Python Project – Number Guessing Game

I made a guessing game! Just type ‘python [name].py’  on the terminal then it will run! You type in a number and it will tell you if it is right or wrong. If it is wrong the game will continue to play but it your right the game will stop. The numbers are 1-10 so don’t guess anything higher!


If there is any errors or bugs please let me know 🙂 It seems to work for me though.

That concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something 🙂

The RaspberryPi – Upcoming posts.

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately but I had some in real life stuff to deal with, so let’s get to it!


Some of your may of heard of it but there is this little gadget called the Raspberry Pi. It is a credit card sized computer that you can use for projects as well as for coding projects. Me and my friend Aaron (One of the moderators) are working on projects with this. Our first project is a just flashing a strip of LED lights but then were going to transform that into a electronic dice, you press the button and it turns on 1-6 LED lights. After this we will be creating what we call the ‘SPi car’. It is a remote control car with a webcam on it streaming to a website.

Keep on eye on this blog as I will be posting a lot more with the pi.

That concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something :)

A rant about Far Cry 3


Huh, wait wha? I’m supposed to WRITE on a BLOG!?!

But in all honestly I have been busy sleeping all week long because let me tell you, it is the devil’s furnace here in Poland.

So I’m trying to fix a CDAA succession and in the downtime a Lemon has gifted me Far Cry 3. And let me tell you is that game confusing. It doesn’t know what to do with itself. One moment it gives you the opportunity to gain extra xp (Experience Points) by liberating an outpost without being detected and the next this happens. Yes that is the in-game music and yes you get high from it.

The main character, Jason. Goes from “I’ve never shot anyone!” to mowing down lanes of enemies at a certain mansion. Which completely screws you up because you were busy trying to get those stealth bonuses to worry about an armed to the teeth military. He also goes-

Wait, you wanted a spoiler alert? God damn you should have seen this coming. Durr,


Jason goes from being knocked out from a tap to the head to somehow screwing up 20+ soldiers while he was restrained and having his finger cut off. And it was during a dream sequence. All because of some magical thingey  Although it looks pretty damn badass I have to admit.

To top it all off the game was running smoothly however when I tried to turn the game looked like it was loading or something.

Finally. No *return to before the ending* button. Why is it that all singular ending games have one?

“But you grumpy angry man!” I hear you cry, “Surely there is a save button!”


Levi better approve this… (He had to change things….)

That concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something 🙂

‘But what if it’s wrong’ and ‘What if we can….’ — What if?

‘But what if it’s wrong?’ — That is the question this post will partly be about. It will more focus on theory’s and stuff of the sort.

But what if it’s wrong?

But what if it’s wrong? What do I mean by that? I mean, what if evolution is wrong, if gravity is fake and the only reason were on the ground is because we subconsciously decided to be. What if everything we base our life on is wrong? If we only need will to survive instead of food, water, clothing and shelter? ‘But what if it’s wrong?’

What if we can….?

What if our fortune is based of our mind power (As in your will)?* What if we can fall ‘to our death’ but instead land on your feet without pain or saws. What if you get hit by a car but you go right through it? What if we can do anything we like with the strength of our brain?*

How do we know?

How do we know? We don’t. There are some questions that we will never be able to answer. Is god real? Is there a plant extinct that we don’t know about? Is there a living thing extinct that we don’t know about? Is there other life forms beyond the stars?** We don’t know, we probably will never know.

The truth.

There is a sad truth to it all. Despite our gigantic knowledge base, we know hardly any big questions. It’s sad, but it’s the truth.

This concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something 🙂

*More coming up in the futer.
** Go here to see information about this question – video by Vsauce.

Xbox One is changing stuff!

Indie Games

The Xbox One will no longer have indie games. So to publish your games you will need a big budget and/or a publisher on your side. What does this mean for the developer community? This is not good, developers will go insane at this and this will generally be considered a sinIndie games is where every triple A game developer starts. Indie games are cheap to develop and it’s a good way to show of your talent. When you make a indie games a publisher will see it, invest in you and then you can make an arcade game. When you have made an arcade game you will gain money to go towards a budget which allows you to make a triple A title game. So removing indie would remove developers, luckily the PS4 and PC are very indie friendly. With the PC you can practically create it for free, but you might need to pay to advertise it. With the PS4 and PS3 I am pretty sure it is free but I can not give that as a 100% answer.

DRM (Piracy protection)

Before this change the way they stopped piracy is by making you log online every 24h – That was stupid. Now you will no longer have to log online every 24h however we do not know how they will stop piracy.

This concludes this post on The “Secret” Podcaster. Hope you learned something 🙂